‘Once Again’ is the new single from Rotterdam post-punk outfit, Tramhaus. It’s a mysterious tune that crafts a sonic world that directly juxtaposes its first lyric (‘make yourself comfortable’). The two guitar parts are mournful to begin with, bouncing off of the thunderous thump of the drums; by the end of the track, we’re dropped into a punky universe of vocal shrieks and distortion. On the extremely interesting experimental music video that accompanies the track, they explain: “As an ode to the absurdism of the digital age we are living in, this music video highlights the peculiar phenomenon of people uploading uncut videos to YouTube without giving it a title or context.The result is a quick-paced experimental documentary short of seemingly unrelated footage on which the audience can project their own associations.” The band have also shared details of their debut album, The First Exit, which drops on September 20th, 2024. -Dan Peeke
