TMR regulars Strong Asian Mothers propel themselves into 2017 with ballsy new single ‘Just Another’. Building on the multi-genred sound of tracks like ‘Sober’ and their Lynx Africa EP, ‘Just Another’ plays heavy emphasis on the the trio’s love of electronic music , with a mesh of riveting synths and beats, and hip-hop, through the squared-up sing-speak verses. While the track noticeably drives your attention through the vibrant, energetic and punchy instrumentation, it’s actually a song about being but one of many cogs in the human machine. As the band puts it, "‘Just Another’ circles around the awareness of being one voice amongst many billions of other voices. Being another human bean in a long line of past, present and future human beans can be a comforting and connecting thought - but it can also be an overwhelming and claustrophobic one.” This philosophical duality is explored through tightly wound instrumental layers and biting lyrics of ‘Just Another’ with barely even space to breathe. Although full of tension, it’s the close connection between Kalim Patel, Amer Chadha-Patel and Josh Stadlen that even makes this music possible. After filling our ears with crushing sounds, Strong Asian Mothers opt for a finale of various electronic pianos, technically all the same instrument, but in their own ways different and more than just another. - HT
