‘Left me broken, smashed like a glass which was dropped on the floor’ are the head-turning opening lyrics to Rosie Carney’s new single ‘Bare’. Just as captivating though is Carney’s extraordinary vocal which is left untreated, with just a guitar and soft electronics for accompaniment. This is without a doubt one of the most spellbinding, brave and confident releases we’ve heard this year, and was produced with frequent collaborator Orri McBrearty. "Bare was one of those songs that took me about 20 minutes to write. It felt like the song was already written, and all I had to do was play it aloud. It stems from the feelings of solitude and isolation you experience after going through something negatively impacting. I tried to write the song in stages of that experience, the first verse being the most raw and vulnerable, and the last, letting go” - explains Carney. File this next to Daughter and Fenne Lily and enjoy. –Holly Manners
