We reckon around 50% of the new artists featured on these pages have hidden their identities - or continue to do so - in the early stages of their careers. It's a useful trick, as much about protecting the art (and sometimes ego) as it is about creating an air of mystery around a project which will keep people coming back for more. Emerging London artist(s) BLUEYES and their gently simmering 3am pop song, 'Skin', is currently drawing us in time and again like moths batting around a flickering lightbulb in the dead of night. The London connection aside, we know nothing about BLUEYES, but they do feature at least one female member, whose chilling vocal stars on 'Skin', hitting the sweet spot between Romy xx's disarming coo and Elena of Daughter's febrile half-whisper. Couple that with the moody electronic pulse and we're totally hooked. - DC
