Not too long ago, we had the pleasure to premiere Alexander Teller’s captivating cinematic-rock single ‘A Cigarette That Never Goes Out’, with its equally theatrical music video. For that release, Teller tapped into film influences, namely 2002’s quirky British classic About A Boy and 2015 nouveau-horror The Green Room. For ‘It Couldn’t Be You’, the London-based artist has turned his eyes to the television screen once again, although this time it’s current affairs raging throughout his lyrics. “Oh, give me a break, another tragedy is on the news today..”, Teller emphatically sings backed by a soaring art-rock composition peppered with pages from the books of Pink Floyd, The Beatles and Queen. Speaking about this new track, the agnostic pastor’s son explains thatIt Couldn’t Be You is an exercise in thinking about anything other than what’s on your mind. Maybe you just need to take a holiday? Take a walk? Maybe you did make a terrible decision that you can’t really go back on… But no, it's more likely that you just need an early night and to put the recycling out.” If you’re liking what you’re hearing so far from this introspective over-thinker, then keep those ears open for the upcoming Alexander Teller Is A Snake Oil Seller EP. - Hannah Thacker   [Photo credit: Riccardo Fusetti]
